Sept. 7, 1957 Inland Empire Paper Company fire
The Millwood Memory Project
Reports of the day state that sparks from a train engine may have ignited fires from near Argonne to the log yard along the river. Hundreds of professional and volunteer fire fighters along with 250 airmen from Fairchild battled the Millwood blazes. Regional Fire Departments, Sheriff’s Department, State Patrol, and Civil Defense workers assisted in combating the fires and controlling traffic. Women volunteers moved into the worst areas to carry drinks to the fire fighters. Millwood residents and The Salvation Army furnished coffee and food to weary firefighters at the Masonic Hall. The wind-whipped fire drew hundreds of onlookers and automobiles. |
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Spokane Daily
Chronicle, Sept. 7, 1957 (news account Spokesman Review, Sept. 8, 1957 (988KB) Lewiston Morning Tribune, Sept. 8, 1957
Spokane Daily Chronicle, Monday, Sept.9,
1957 ("Logs Still Smoldering |